On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, Arjan van de Ven wrote:
> In article <Pine.LNX.4.10.10003180123280.2793-100000@home.suse.com> you wrote:
> > Join the crowd........
> > The ablity to load msdos.o without ide-mod.o present of compiled
> > in.....KABOOM!!!!!!!!!
> > Fun, eeh :_((((((((((((
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Very Sad with a TEAR!
It is not funny, it is WTF serious.........but I try to lighten up a
little when TSHTF (the sh-- hits the fan).........
> This is a "not very funny" problem indeed.
> Potential solution: Have a function-pointer that is always in the kernel.
> ide-mod (or non-modular IDE) make that pointer equal to the ide_xlate_1024
> functionaddress. And, of course, make it NULL again on module removal.
> msdos.o checks this function-pointer and only performs the relevant checks
> if the function-pointer is not NULL.
> Good:
> * "Only" 4 bytes (8 on 64bit platforms) overhead for the kernel
> Bad:
> * This is a kludge.
> * If ide_xlate_1024 is needed for non-IDE as well, this does not work.
> Greetings,
> Arjan van de Ven
Andre Hedrick
The Linux ATA/IDE guy
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