Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 02:15:19 +0000 (GMT)
From: Nicholas Vinen <>
Am *I* missing something and you can do this by mounting with the
"nocheck" option?? I have a 50GB RAID and I mount it using nocheck, it
takes a fraction of a second, without this option it takes about 20
seconds to mount.
Surely a mount option is better than patching the kernel?
Basically, there's no reason to have the kernel doing the check, so by
removing it we can make the kernel smaller and make mounts go faster for
people who doesn't know the trick. It's not like the check did that
much useful.....
> I could be be missing something here, but
> what if someone mounts a disk that was not cleanly unmounted,
> but they did not do an fsck before, and just went ahead
> and mounted it?
A warning message in this case always will be printed; my patch doesn't
change this. It's only a warning message, though, since a root user
always is given the power to screw themselves. It's the Unix way, after
all. :-)
- Ted
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