I recently upgraded my hobby Alpha system after several months and
noticed that Squid stopped working with a StatHistBin error as
mentioned in the Squid FAQ:
> assertion failed: StatHist.c:91: `statHistBin(H, max) == H->capacity -
> 1' on Alpha system.
> by Henrik Nordstrom
> If I am not mistaken in means that you are trying to run Linux on an
> old Alpha processor model no longer supported by the Linux kernel. I
> don't know why, but another Alpha Linux user discovered that emulation
> of a some math instructions not present on older Alpha processors is
> no longer in the current Linux-2.2 kernels and that this caused
> statHistBin errors in Squid.
Does this sound right? Is anyone aware of a possible fix (changing to
an older GCC or libc6 for example?)
Here's the output from /proc/cpuinfo
jraymond@alpha ~% cat < /proc/cpuinfo
cpu : Alpha
cpu model : EV45
cpu variation : 7
cpu revision : 0
cpu serial number :
system type : Avanti
system variation : 0
system revision : 0
system serial number :
cycle frequency [Hz] : 166389351
timer frequency [Hz] : 1024.00
page size [bytes] : 8192
phys. address bits : 34
max. addr. space # : 63
BogoMIPS : 163.57
kernel unaligned acc : 58129 (pc=fffffc00003a8370,va=fffffc0004f88c0e)
user unaligned acc : 4 (pc=120001a2c,va=120119df4)
platform string : AlphaStation 200 4/166
-- Jamie Raymond Sabetha, Kansas jraymond@gnu.org- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
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