Den 19-Mar-00 19:24:47 skrev James Sutherland fĝlgende om "Re: Some questions about linux kernel.":
> On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 12:43:26 -0600 (CST), you wrote:
>>I want controlability, and repeatabiltiy. If the system runs out of memory
>>I want a message stating that occurance. Even more, I want resource controls
>>that will allow me to be able to eliminate it (most draconian) or permit it
>>within certain limits; and to know when it happens.
> Rik's patch should do the first,
It does not such thing. It kills Joe User's emacs session without
providing a clue as to why emacs suddenly died. Joe User's will have lost
his work for no good reason.
> and per-user resource limits do the second.
> Explain where disabling overcommit comes into this?
Disabling overcommit means that Joe User's emacs session won't be
killed. He may not even notice that the system ran low on memory.
Certainly, if Joe wasn't using his emacs session at the time, there's no
reason at all he should notice. That's part of controlability and
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