On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 01:55:22PM +0100, Per Lundberg wrote:
> I've recently discovered that the "VCD format", i.e. 2352 bytes
> sectors, seem to be completely unsupported under Linux (both in terms
> of reading and writing CD:s). Am I correct? If so, how come? Is it
> just that nobody has bothered to implement it?
its not unsupported, you can read/play VCDs using xreadvcd, mtv (www.mpegtv.com)
or the dxr2's dvdplay (with vcd patch)...
the more important question (for me) is, how to write video cds? i have mpeg1
video files and want to burn one....tried to burn one file directly as a XA2
track using cdrecord..the result were a lots of data overrun detected messages
from the kernel...
is there anyone who successfully burned a video cd and can tell me how?
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