On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 12:06:17PM -0800, Scott Doty wrote:
> I have a need to run thousands of IP addresses on one host. (It's
> running apache.)
I figured out how to do this. Linux 2.2 loopback interfaces are
visible to the net. So:
/sbin/ifconfig lo:0 netmask mtu 1500 up
This serves the entire network, replacing 254 discrete
interfaces. Thank you, O Linux gurus, for making this possible.
Incidentally, I've received a few emails asking why we're not
using name-based virtual hosts. The short answer is a) some
browsers don't send a "Host:" header; and b) our systems are set
up for IP hosts, which would be a pain to change.
p.s. er...just in case it's only an accident that loopback aliases
work the way they do: I'd like to register a formal grovel that
their useful behavior remain in Linux. Indeed, this is one
feature that blows the doors off of NT...
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