RE: What do people thjnk?

From: Rufus Handsome (
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 12:20:43 EST

As a "former" Windows evangelist I agree.

Rufus Handsome III
Technical Project Lead
Global Commerce Systems, Inc.
12303 Airport Way
Office 205
Broomfield, CO 80021
303.583.5005 VM
303.583.5105 FAX

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Evan Langlois
> Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 3:57 PM
> To: linux
> Subject: Re: What do people thjnk?
> Don't read ZDNET. Those people are clueless and its all flame-bait.
> We all know the issues mentioned their are pointless. Linux won't fork
> cause its open-source, it will never be a monopoly cause its open-source,
> and anyone complaining about compiling kernels and writing driver patches
> doesn't seem to realize that the average user doesn't have to recompile a
> kernel, and other people are available to write driver patches. People
> complaining that the average user can't do these things obviously hasn't
> installed a recent linux distro, nor have they tried having an "average"
> user install windows.
> I installed RedHat 6.1 on a Dell server the other day. Tons of RAM, dual
> processors, Adaptec 7xxx SCSI, Dell RAID array. Redhat just told me what
> drivers It was loading (I didn't tell it) and it was installed, booted,
> and already serving the default apache page in under 10 minutes.
> Ever change a video card under Windows? YIKES! Under Linux it usually
> just detects the new card and works, and if you run redhat's kudzu or
> something similar it re-runs the X configuration program so you can
> change resolutions and such for the new card. Does Windows PnP work this
> well?
> Give it time. IS Managers and end users both will love how easy this is.
> They'll like how fast it is, and how reliable. We have a superior
> product and even though superior products sometimes fail, Linux is taking
> the world over at an amazing pace.
> To ZDNET from Cartman (my RedHat release) : "Screw you guys!"
> > >What do people (including Linus think of this?)
> > >
> >
> >,4586,2470425,00.html?chk
> >
> The text largely contradicts the sub-headline. john

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