> > I have tested this on ten keyboards, five of them under Debian 2.1,
> > three under Suse 6.2 and two under a-kind-of-red-hat-5.1, and worked
> > OK under all of them. I hope to see this patch included in, at
> > least, a prepatch version of the kernel :))))
> >
> > Well, this patch is about these three new keys that some new
> > keyboards have: suspend, resume and poweroff. These keys don't work
> > on Linux by default, and I have decoded their scancodes and included
> > them in the kernel keyboard conversion tables.
> Very good!
> Unfortunately, these days there are many new keyboards, with dozens
> of new keys, so it is impossible to assign each key its own keycode
> (since for the time being keycodes are restricted to the range
> 1-127).
Andreas, these are special. If you go and buy new keyboard, it will
have those nasty keys. It is not like those "multimedia" keys which
differ from keyboard to keyboard -- this is more like L-window,
R-window and Menu "windows95" keys.
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