On Mar 24, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> On systems where one keyboard is shared between two or more
> computers, when you switch the mechanical switch from one machine
> to the next, the keyboard repeat rate gets reset to slowness.
> I'd like the keyboard to maintain my repeat rate across this if
> possible. I'd like it to be seamless - so no user needs to do
> anything. Thus I figured the best way would be to have the
> keyboard handler detect the keyboard disappearing and reappearing
> and reprogram the repeat rate. Another option would be to
> reprogram the repeat rate upon VC switch.
> Any other ideas? Sample code? I'd really appreciate it,
> thanks..
fix the hardware switch so that it doesn't switch off power supply
for the keyboard even only for a short time:
directly connect ground from one/more PC inlets to keyboard outlet
and connect one/more power supply pins from PC keyboard inlet
with a diode or each inlet to avoid short-circuits between
power supply lines of different PCs.
> --
> Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
> Computer Consultant GNU advocate
> Capslock Consulting Open Source advocate
> I've overclocked my keyboard interface. It's quite messy dipping my
> hands into the mineral oil, but *MAN* is my keyboard ever fast now!
> - Anonymous Coward
> -
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