On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, Lawrence Manning wrote:
> OK.. reproduce is easy: try to run wine with MS IE4. When it crashes,
> quit the debugger and try a ps aux. It should hang... When I ls in the
> /proc/PID dir it hangs. But if I strace the ls it runs through ok, which
> strikes me as very odd. Incidently, the hang occures if I try to cat any
> of the files in the wine PIDs dir.
> But I am out of my depth now.... I hope this info is of use to someone. I
> don't have a clue how to proceed.
Basically it means that process in question is stuck in the middle of
exit. And just a zombie wouldn't suffice - it needs to get stuck in
do_exit() somewhere between task_lock() and task_unlock(). Could you
do the following:
1) add int foo_flag=0; into the beginning of exit.c
2) add extern int foo_flag; EXPORT_SYMBOL(foo_flag); into ksyms.c
3) put the following into foo.c and build it as a module:
#include <linux/module.h>
init_module() {
foo_flag ^= 1;
return -1;
4) put into the interesting interval of do_exit()
if (foo_flag)
printk(KERN_DEBUG "...something...\n");
(interesting == between task_lock() and task_unlock()).
Now insmod foo.o will switch this debugging stuff on/off.
Turn it on (insmod foo.o), reproduce the hang and turn it off again (one
more insmod foo.o). And look at the logs. Reasonable things to print are
fields of tsk - you definitely want tsk->pid, for one. Oh, and place where
it hangs, indeed ;-)
I would do all this crap myself, but I don't have Wine or any Windows
software (or Windows itself, for that matter).
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