easy way to get "stuck" gpm on almost any kernel version.

From: Oleg Drokin (green@ccssu.ccssu.crimea.ua)
Date: Sat Apr 01 2000 - 14:27:52 EST


  I just found that if you switch to a console, where nobody listens, but only
  something is displayed (e.g. where your syslog puts its logs),
  then select large region of screen and paste it till it pastes,
  you cannot get your mouse cursor to move, as gpm seems to be blocked
  insside "paste_selection" from console.c
  Well, so you may decide to kill gpm..., if you do that, it did not day, no
  matter which signal you'll send to it. But after the signal, it starts to eat
  100% cpu time (system time). And it has no way to die, till somebody flushes
  vt buffers, somehow (kill syslog that writes to vt, for example).

  Now I swear of fork bomb, that also hogs CPU, and which you cannot kill...
  This behaviour was seen on 2.2.14, 2.2.15pre4 and 2.3.99-pre3,
  so I assume every kernel with selection support has this.


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