Re: designing fast, streaming disk i/o with mmap: help wanted

From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd@Op.Net)
Date: Sat Apr 01 2000 - 16:01:50 EST

I wrote:

>Because of the number and potential size of the files that need to be
>streamed, its not possible to mmap them in their entirety into the
>address space. If we could, then most problems would go away.

Yeah, and they do. Sure, in theory a 4GB address space isn't really
big enough, but in practice, its just fine. Things work just great, as
far as I can tell right now. I just mmap the whole file, and then use
mlock on the read-ahead sections, munlocking them once we've moved
past them. As a younger generation might once have said, "keen!".


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