Hi kernel hackers,
I very sorry that I did not read this mailing list for while
before posting. But since we're so close to a 2.4 release I
figured it was important to report it fast.
I've got a Syquest SparQ drive and I've succesfully used it
for years now with Linux. The only "problem" I had was that
ECP mode was not supported and therefor it was a lot slower
compared to using it in windows (500K/s in EPP mode, 900K/s
in ECP mode).
So you can understand that I was happy as a fish when I saw
that ECP was supported in 2.3.99pre3! Here's the bad news now:
It allways crashes when I try to use it in ECP mode.
At first I loaded the parport_pc.o driver with specifying any
parameters and it used the slowest mode (4-bit) and crashed
when trying to use it. (BIOS was set to ECP mode using DMA 3).
Then I tried loading it specifying a port (one that was not used,
0x278) and irq=auto. It detected ECP now, but still didn't go
into 32-bit mode as it used to do when using EPP mode.
I tried to copy something off my SparQ and in the beginning
it started copying, allthough very *very* slow (1.5K/s). But
it then crashed too. It showed me all CPU registers, but I didn't
know how to capture them to a file (if that is possible at all,
since ofcourse the OS *is* crashed :)) so I did not yet
write it down on paper. Since the crash is very easily reproducable
I can write it down anytime, so I will do that immediately if you
ask me.
BTW I'm using a Pentium 166 MMX on a Asus motherboard with 32 megs of
RAM. Ofcourse I will send additional information when required.
Second, unrelated thing: To whom should I send a patch to the kernel?
I wrote a little patch for the bttv driver, but I do not know where
to send it to.
Once again appologies if I shouldn't have written this bugreport to
this mailing list before reading it for a while but I thought 2.4
could be released any day now and if noone noticed that bug it would
have slipped in a stable release of the kernel.
Greetings and all the best, Panagiotis Issaris
Keep up the great work!
--Panagiotis Issaris - Student Computerscience EMAIL: panagiotis.issaris@advalvas.be PHONE: 32-89-756713
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