In <> George Bonser ( wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Dunlap, Randy wrote:
>> So with one value per "file," how do you handle the
>> well-known problem of inconsistent data, i.e.,
>> one or more values being updated, program reads
>> file value(s), some more value(s) updated, program
>> reams some more value(s)?
>> Is there also a well-known solution to this?
> In this case since one is a function of the other the correct solution is
> probably to have a packet-size item and report either bytes or packets and
> use the packet-size to calculate the other. This may in fact be what is
> going on anyway, I have not looked at the code. One of the values may be
> calculated from the other when the data is presented.
You joking, right ? TCP/IP packets DO NOT have fixed size ! Of course it IS
problem (and there are one more: what if you can not change one value but
need to update two in sync: /proc/blah-blah-blah/X-size and
/proc/blah-blah-blah/Y-size ?) and it must be addressed somehow. Hmm.
Still parse of huge file with all TCP/IP options looks like massive overkill
when in fact you just want to know: is frowarding enabled or not...
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