I'll take the rest of this offline, but I need to acknowledge two errors on
my part.
I wrote:
> > 3. It requires that all changes be published (to BitKeeper) in order
> > to use it without charge...
> This is INCORRECT. BitKeeper has _never_ required you to publish your
> changes, it requires you to publish your check in comments.
Larry is correct. I remembered the details on this incorrectly. It just goes
to show that people of *any* stature make mistakes.
> FYI - "Larry" isn't doing BitKeeper, BitMover is. There are people here
> who have worked every bit as hard as I have, as well as people who know
> a lot more about this space than I do.
I stand corrected. I've only talked to Larry, and I was under the (mistaken)
impression that BitKeeper was his effort alone. My apologies to anyone I may
have unintentionally slighted.
Once again, I think that Larry and his team are doing good work. For further
discussion of why we will be doing DCMS anyway, join dcms-dev@eros-os.org.
Jonathan S. Shapiro
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