Hello all gurus!
I am really sorry if that question was already posted, I have read dejanews and was not
able to find the answer...
At my office, I have an external SCSI Zip 100, and at home one 250 ATAPI one...
One day I do a tar cvfM /dev/sda /data/installed of about 550 of rpm... and
at home, I try tar Mxvf /dev/hdc and got a message saying me that the disk don't begin with a
tar file and that tar go further and take the file, then it extract the files, but as I change
the cartidge, tar tells me that the new cartidge is not the continuation of the first one, and
if I re tar Mxvf /dev/hdc, it continue the same way...
So I have tried to mke2fs -c /dev/sda and mounted it on my office machine without any problem.
When I came home, noway to make my Zip recognize the "partition" hdc...
Other try, I make an hdc1 on the whole disk with fdisk and etx2is it, that disk got read from
my Zip 100 at work to don't have a partition table???
Could someone explain me? Please cc to me: I am not on the list.
Thanks you very much,
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