Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Miles Lane wrote:
> I have seen about four occurances of a complete system lockup in the
> recent testing builds (2.3.99-pre5+). I am unable to get an OOPS message
> so far. I may try hacking in the patch to cause the OOPS to be dumped to
> floppy. The lockups have occured while all the following criteria were
> met:
> Running XFree86
> Communication was occuring over PPP
> I moved my mouse
I had a very similar problem with 2.3.99pre3 but as soon as I went to
pre5 is disappeared. It was whenever I downed a ppp link (ie ifdown ppp0)
while in X windows and the connection had been up for more than 10
minutes. Every single time it hard locked. I was digging out the old
serial console when I saw pre5 and hoped that it possibly fixed it (which
it appears it did for me). No oopsen, no log messages. Just hard locks
and fsck's on the next boot. :)
Chris Noe
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