Re: -fno-strict-aliasing

From: Bernhard Rosenkraenzer (
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 09:11:56 EST

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Robert Dinse wrote:

> Can anybody tell me what the gcc flag "-fno-strict-aliasing" does?
> It's used by default on kernel builts but not documented in the gcc man page.
> I'm curious how many other flags exist that also aren't documented, or if there
> is some place these are actually documented?

It's documented in gcc's info page:

     Allows the compiler to assume the strictest aliasing rules
     applicable to the language being compiled. For C (and C++), this
     activates optimizations based on the type of expressions. In
     particular, an object of one type is assumed never to reside at
     the same address as an object of a different type, unless the
     types are almost the same. For example, an `unsigned int' can
     alias an `int', but not a `void*' or a `double'. A character type
     may alias any other type.

     Pay special attention to code like this:
          union a_union {
            int i;
            double d;

          int f() {
            a_union t;
            t.d = 3.0;
            return t.i;
     The practice of reading from a different union member than the one
     most recently written to (called "type-punning") is common. Even
     with `-fstrict-aliasing', type-punning is allowed, provided the
     memory is accessed through the union type. So, the code above
     will work as expected. However, this code might not:
          int f() {
            a_union t;
            int* ip;
            t.d = 3.0;
            ip = &t.i;
            return *ip;

     Every language that wishes to perform language-specific alias
     analysis should define a function that computes, given an `tree'
     node, an alias set for the node. Nodes in different alias sets
     are not allowed to alias. For an example, see the C front-end
     function `c_get_alias_set'.

In general, use -fno-strict-aliasing for dirty code...


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