>>>>> " " == Jim Wray <wray@neptune.cs.byu.edu> writes:
> Just in case this is not known: I downloaded and compiled a
> couple kernels 2.3.99 pre3 and pre5. Both had major problems
> with NFS. When I would do copies, listings, etc. I never
> narrowed down to the exact problem. I did not try 2.3.51,
> figuring the code base was the same. If I am wrong please let
> me know. No, I did not enable NFSv3, and my server is an HP
> 800 series.
> I would appreciate any insight and/or gentle rips if need be
But what is your gripe? Bug reports are welcome, but I need at least a
description of what is going wrong. Are you seeing file corruptions,
problems with reading,... ?
BTW: Most of the SunRPC and NFS code base changed completely between
2.3.99-pre2 and 2.3.99-pre4.
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