Re: unkillable processes (again)

From: Steve Dodd (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2000 - 13:08:59 EST

On Wed, Apr 19, 2000 at 08:58:02AM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:

> Tangential but related question. I'm seeing httpd (apache, I think) on
> a 7.0 Mandrake standard installation hang with the WCHAN is listed as "down"
> and process status set to "D". It is unkillable (but doesn't cause problems
> with killall etc). 2.2.14 Mandrake SMP kernel. Do those symptoms
> correspond to a known problem?

Pass -- but a good "brute force" way of debugging these things is to install
Andrea's IKD patches, and enable the semaphore deadlock detection, and/or
kdb. This at least allows you to figure out the call path and which semaphore
the process is blocked on.

> (In case anyone noticed I mentioned SuSE in another post, I run 3 different
> distros -- can't make up my mind...:-))

The third is Debian, I hope <g> (No, don't answer that!)

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