Jan Evert van Grootheest wrote:
> > And now my IDE-SCSI emulation does not work. But where to look: in
> > /lib/modules/2.3.36/block or /lib/modules/2.3.36/scsi ? And why my IDE cd does
> > not have driver in /lib/modules/kernel/2.3.36/cdrom ??? Ahh.
> > It's in /lib/modules/2.3.36/block (.../ide in recent kernels).
> > Then IPX & AX.25. It's network protocols for sure and PPP is also
> > network protocol... Then WHY ipx.o is in /lib/modules/kernel/2.3.36/misc
> > while ppp*.o are in /lib/modules/kernel/2.3.36/net ??? Hmm. Is it really
> > helpfull for anyone ??? Sorry. This mess ALWAYS created more problems then
> > solutions for me...
> I absolutely agree.
Me too. I went looking for ipfwadm.o in net. Nope, it's in misc.
What about af_packet.o? That's in misc too.
It makes some sort of sense: net/ seems to contain network *device*
drivers. This now includes ppp (but it didn't before).
And why isn't there a sound directory? Etc.
If there must be directories, IMO "video" and "sound" should have
priority over "ieee1394".
have a nice day,
-- Jamie
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