Re: [Re: kernel debugger]

From: George Anzinger (
Date: Mon May 01 2000 - 05:08:25 EST

Great. My biggest problem (which lead to my fixing it, of course :) was
that it needed to be initialized. I wanted to set a break point in
__init_sched() which is called about 10 lines into start_kernel. All I
require is that the kernel can handle traps.


"Amit S. Kale" wrote:
> > Noted. Now I have a problem with debuggers also. It is more like the
> > metering problem however. No matter how sensitive your meter, it will
> > disturb the thing being metered. On the other hand, most electronics
> > would not have been built with out them. Same is true of OS software.
> > The real question is does he want to make it easy to contribute to the
> > kernel or is it supposed to be a closed club?
> >
> I think the problem is kgdb isn't yet stable ( read - work for everyone without
> requiring to pull hair ) enough to be included in the kernel
> yet.
> The reason for that is kgdb isn't yet tried by many people. It will get stable
> and better only when many people try it and give feedback.
> I have started a sourceforge project yesterday for this purpose. I'll put my
> version of kgdb there ( which incidentaly contains more features then other
> versions available out there ) and request people to try and give me feedback.
> I'll annouce it when I put the debugger in a decent shape there.
> Regards.
> --
> Amit Kale
> Veritas Software ( )

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