I'm trying nfsv3 server on 2.3.99pre6. It won't work with a client
SunOS adgsun2 5.6 Generic_105181-13 sun4u sparc
The symptoms are:
(I'm logged into adgsun2, a sun. I'm mounting rpppc4, a
i686-pc-linux-gnu running 2.3.99pre6 with nfsv3 server+client.
nfsutils is 0.1.7)
>cd /net/rpppc4
[nbecker@adgsun2 /net/rpppc4]$ ls
disk1 usr
[nbecker@adgsun2 /net/rpppc4]$ ls -l
total 1
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1 May 1 10:56 disk1
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1 May 1 10:56 usr
[nbecker@adgsun2 /net/rpppc4]$ ls disk1
ls: disk1: Permission denied
[nbecker@adgsun2 /net/rpppc4]$ ls usr
ls: usr: Permission denied
Notice the link counts are wrong!
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