[Fwd: Re: info on System.map]

From: George Anzinger (george@pioneer.net)
Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 12:39:59 EST

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: info on System.map
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 10:25:21 -0700
From: George Anzinger <george@pioneer.net>
Organization: Monta Vista Software
To: Andr� Dahlqvist <andre@beta.telenordia.se>
References: <39217124.C8965596@agilent.com>
<20000516222034.C1218@lech.pse.pl> <3921FEF8.E9D1A5A7@pioneer.net>

Andr� Dahlqvist wrote:
> > `sed -e 's/.*#\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/' /proc/version`
> > This picks out the build number which the master make bumps each time
> > the system is made. Notice I have made provisions for it to go past 9.
> But what if you have a kernel called something like 2.3.99-pre9 and
> another one named 2.3.99-pre9-2. Both of these will be called
> 2.3.99-pre9 in /proc/version.
> --
> // Andr�
If you examine the line above you will notice it only picks up the build
number. I add this to the uname -r result. Effectively it is
"name=System_map-`uname -r`-`sed -e 's/.*#\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/'

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