Ron Forrester wrote:
> Since upgrading to the pre series of kernels, I am getting this
> message from several different apps, even after rebuilding them. For
> instance, apache refuses to start putting the following message in the
> error log:
> (22)Invalid argument: could not call shmget
Yes, you didn't search hard enough ;) shared memory is handled on a virtual
filesystem and must be mounted now.
put this or similar into your fstab:
# grep shm /etc/fstab
shmfs /dev/shm shm defaults 0 0
If you use devfs, remember to add the following to your first stage boot
# grep shm /etc/rc.d/*
/etc/rc.d/rc.S: mkdir /dev/shm
It is not required you mount it in /dev, you can put it where you want.
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