On 2 Jun 2000 nbecker@fred.net wrote:
> >>>>> "Andries" == Andries Brouwer <aeb@veritas.com> writes:
> Andries> On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 04:20:44PM -0400, nbecker@fred.net wrote:
> >> I have a 250MB iomega zip. Is it supported?
> Andries> Yes. Didnt it work with earlier kernels?
> Yes, I just tried with 2.2.14. It works. It doesn't work with
> 2.4.0-test1.
> It doesn't work with a 100MB zip diskette, nor with a 250MB zip
> diskette.
Did you compile ide-floppy as a module?
If so, try to insmod it manually, at least for me (RH6.2) modprobe can not
insert modules from /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ide/. (I have only 100MB zip,
does not work, insmoding fixes it.)
Hope it helps.
Martin "MaD" Douda
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