Alan Cox wrote:
> > it will ever whor. However I got the /dev/mixer support for it
> > running by just adapting the Maestro 1,2,2e drivers.
> > I have the tech doc's about the whole thing.
> >
> > Now I would like to ask whatever there is already someone working
> > on a sound-driver for this thingee or not ?
> Nobody as far as I know is actively starting on it. Do the docs you have cover
> the ASSP as this is the big gap in the maestro 2 docs
Yes up to some degree they cover apparently at least the whole memmory
as well as register setup of the whole thing.
Apparently many of the indirection problems Zach is talking about
in the maestro-<=2 code are gone too.
> The modem may not be a total failure either. If its a pure software modem
> using AC97 then its another one for the linmodems project...
Yes is is a pure Host Singal Processor. It's only providing some
status registers for asynchronous flow controll. The whole codec is
to be done by the main CPU. BTW> they all the part MC97 (modem
it's in fact handling just additional two channels (5 and 6) on
the AC...
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