Hate to reply to you this way, but I am only a salesman. I do not have
the power nor the authority to influence purchasing in any way, shape or
form. I will however forward this to our Linux development department
and ask them to look into this matter. That is the most I can do about
this matter.
As for Abit's version of Linux, we do not support it, nor do we
distribute the product for Abit to my knowledge.
I'm sorry I cannot be of any more help. I will keep you abreast of any
information I get back from the Linux development department here.
Andre Hedrick wrote:
> Rick,
> You asked me about this before ATA-100 was public.
> ABIT/Gentus Linux is in direct violation of GPL.
> Please notify all of the members in the purchasing group across the USA
> that I am just short of calling of a product boycott. I would ask that
> you and your business associates apply finacial pressure on ABIT before a
> future boycott request could impact you. I regret that it may come to
> this point.
> Second, I will call you in the morning about the purchase of one of these
> an ABIT customer....I am going to get real nasty about
> support. Since I know how to break their bootable kernel under the
> correct stress test and will not tell them how to fix it. I will soon
> attempt to invoke FS corruption by their binary kernels.
> No one will use hardware that is defined and proven to eat data.
> If you can help me and the OSC resolve the GPL issue, I will then tell
> them how to fix the bug and it is fixed in modern kernels.
> Cheers,
> Andre Hedrick
> The Linux ATA/IDE guy
> PS Everyone else, please do not bug Rick.
> Rick wants to sell boards not listen to flame email.
-- Richard M. Kadoi Corporate Sales 888-810-2629 x 108 - TollFree Amax Engineering Corporation 847-671-3156 x 108 - Local 5136 N Pearl Street 847-671-9108 - FAX Schiller Park, IL 60176 eMail: / To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to Please read the FAQ at
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