supermount (was Re: Floppy handling)

From: Jeff Garzik (
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 09:26:54 EST

Alan Cox wrote:
> > Is there any possibility of making Linux handle file systems on
> > floppies like MSDOS, so that there is no need to explicitly mount and
> > unmount a floppy drive in order to access floppies through the file
> > system?

> There is a thing called 'supermount'. It needs more hands to port it to 2.3.x
> and it needs a very good review of the code to fix remaining questionable
> habits (or rewriting as a stackable fs). The stuff needed is out there however

Porting supermount from 2.0.x to 2.2.x was a project,
undertaken by Alexis Milhailov. He also ported it to 2.3.x.
Unfortunately the web page where supermount is supposed to be located
doesn't resolve (

I uploaded the latest I have, against 2.3.99-pre5, at

It definitely needs review, especially by the original SuperMount author
(sct?) Al Viro looked at one version of the patch and worried about


Jeff Garzik              | Liberty is always dangerous, but
Building 1024            | it is the safest thing we have.
MandrakeSoft, Inc.       |      -- Harry Emerson Fosdick

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