Re: tcp_timestamps problems with BSD ? (2.2.14,2.2.16)

From: Miquel van Smoorenburg (
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 18:20:29 EST

In article <cistron.Pine.LNX.4.21.0006091924510.20104-100000@sjoerd.sjoerdnet>,
 <> wrote:
>Both "problem"-places (different ISP's) _have_ a packet-shaping device
>in (our) inernet pipe..... (sorry i do not have detail info about those
>devices (yet))

Hey, I remember someone (Alan?) posting here a while back that there
are packet shaping devices that seem to mutilate TCP packets with
the timestamp option in it.

>And.. my own ISP has no such device (as far i know), and no problem.
>So could it be "a" (evil) packetshaping device in combination with
>timestamps ?

Sounds very likely - you might want to search the archives for details.
About 3-6 months ago I guess.


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