Hi Jeff,
>>>>> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 17:46:00 -0600, "Jeff V. Merkey" <jmerkey@timpanogas.com> said:
Jeff> Anyone know if ncurses has been ported to IA64? The SKI/NUE
Jeff> IA64 simulator at www.linuxia64.org doesn't have it, and the
Jeff> NUE emulator does not include it in the IA64 rootfs image they
Jeff> are distributing.
Hmmh, I have to say I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing
here. Ski/NUE has been released by HP and Intel and is available via
a free download from http://software.hp.com/ia64linux/. If you have a
slow Internet connection, you can order CD-ROM from the same URL. The
CD-ROM is free, as well (even shipping is free).
Jeff> The documentation states, ".... You now have everything
Jeff> necessary to get started with serious IA64 development ...".
Jeff> Wonder why ncurses was not included?
Jeff> :-)
But it is there:
$ rpm -qlp nue-fs-1.0-1.i386.rpm | grep ncurses
Can you tell me why you think otherwise?
In any case, like Jes explained, rebuilding the ncurses RPM inside NUE
is easy so even if you have the need to recompile ncurses, you should
be all set.
On a related note: it's probably better to send such questsions to
lia64-sim@linux.hpl.hp.com or to use the online forum at
http://devresource.hp.com/devresource/Topics/ia64linux.html as we
don't always have time to keep up with the high volume on
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