>>>>> "Khimenko" == Khimenko Victor <khim@sch57.msk.ru> writes:
Khimenko> In <d3ya41wmkr.fsf@lxplus007.cern.ch> Jes Sorensen
Khimenko> (jes@linuxcare.com) wrote:
>>>>>>> "Ron" == Ron Flory <ron.flory@adtran.com> writes:
Ron> Having said that, the Amiga had a very nice automount mechanism,
Ron> but even there it was possible to remove a floppy before it was
Ron> completely synched.
>> Note that the Amiga also had hardware support for detecting disk
>> inserts just like the Mac, something which the PC's don't have.
Khimenko> No, no, no. It was discussed already. There were NO special
Khimenko> hardware - just polling (JUST what you need to suck you
Khimenko> notebook battery dry in record time).
No, no, no. The Amiga uses a pin on the floppy connector that
indicates disk change to generate an interrupt ..... next?
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