Re: [2.4.0-test1-ac2] kernel oops on eject of pcmcia cards

From: Thomas Davis (
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 12:10:51 EST

David Ford wrote:
> Florian Lohoff wrote:
> > I reply to myself - It seems all cards ejected seem currently to crash
> > the Kernel - Tried with a NetGear Wireless (ray_cs) and the
> > XirCom Realport 1 (Non Cardbus) - All those
> > cause the kernel to _immediatly_ Oops on eject.
> FLorian, I suggest going back to DHinds pcmcia package. PCMCIA in the kernel is
> pretty broken.

Which means rolling back to 2.2.x series.

Bleah. :-)

I've also had problems with 2.4.0test release and pcmcia - my 3c575tx
doesn't work last time I tried.

DHind's pcmcia can't start/stop/eject devices properly.

What is the word on pccard support? Is it ever going to fixed? Is this
a project that I should start working on?

Thomas Davis		| PDSF Project Leader		| 
(510) 486-4524		| "Only a petabyte of data this year?"

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