Although I'm no kernel hacker, it seems to me that the sensible thing to
do to catch out-of-control processes that are just gobbling memory is to
track the grabbing of pages as it happens and keep a small back-buffer
of PIDs (or whatever) of the processes which allocated them. That way,
an out-of-control process would be caught.
When talking about slow mem leaks and such, I agree with Mike A. Harris.
There should be a userland daemon to track free memory and, if it falls
below a critical level, add more swap. This seems like a sensible
solution, as it is quick and, as it is not in the kernel, it is easy to
disable or enable without rebooting (god forbid! :). You can't have the
solution in the kernel simply because it's not kosher for the kernel to
do such things (sorry if i'm saying things other people already know).
Anyways, I'll end my little rant. I'd be interested to hear comments on
David Bronaugh
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