(no subject)

From: Khimenko Victor (khim@sch57.msk.ru)
Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 19:46:42 EST

In <20000709222046.16920.qmail@web5203.mail.yahoo.com> Suvani Kaura (bg24096@yahoo.com) wrote:
> Hi All

> I have a question about compiling the linux kernel. I
> have added new .c and .h files to the Linux
> networking (linux/net/ipv4) and include
> (linux/include/net) directories. Do I have to make any
> changes to the makefile

Yes, of course. Make does not have built-in telepathy so how it can guess
what to do with your .c file: compile in kernel, compile in kernel or not
use it at all and which kernel options are needed to make it usable ?

> or would "make dep" and "make zImage" automatically take care of it.

No. "make dep" will handle only '#include' dependences, dependences for .c
is MUCH more complicated issue.

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