Hi all,
recently I tried to upgrade my Redhat 6.1 with the latest 2.4 kernel.
Everything wnet fine except for my Fritz/pnp Isdncard (ISA).
Independent of the settings the card / driver fails to get interrupts during
startup. This is true also for settings that work with kernel 2.2.14.
Now to the strange thing.
Rebooting the system and using the old kernel (2.2.14 instead of 2.2.4 pre3)
leads to the same type of error (no interrupts) with a setting that surely
worked before. The only way to get rid of this was to flash the BIOS. Using
BIOS version higher than Ver 1.2 also lead to a nonfunctional ISDN subsystem
(no interrupts).
My hardware: Gigabyte 5 GAA mainboard, BIOS rev. 1.2, 128 M Ram , K6/2 500.
any hints will be greatly appreciated
-- Dr. Michael Ferber Max Planck Institut f. Experimentelle Medizin Hermann-Rein-Str. 3 D-37075 G�ttingen Germany Tel: +49 551/3899395 (office) +49 551/3899394 (lab) email: Michael.Ferber@mpi-expmed.mpg.de- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
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