Andrew Clausen wrote:
> "Jeff V. Merkey" wrote:
> > > To maintain the "forwarders" sounds like as much (if not more) work than
> > > just fixing the errant modules in the first place. Plus you loose the
> > > flexibility of changing data structures and functions which are inlined and
> > > just #included, which is exactly the advantage Linus was talking about.
> >
> > Guys!!!!!
> >
> > Well, let's just wait until the monolithic kernel is 500MB in size and
> > requires 8GB of ram to load (or alternately the .config file requies an
> > 8GB disk to hold it when you build Linux).
> >
> > What I am hearing are no technical arguments, just "control, control,
> > control ...".
> "forwarders" puts the problem (out of date drivers) out of sight, and
> out of mind. So, we'll end up with 10000 out of date drivers, and no-one
> will care enough to fix it.
> Having things fail to compile is good encouragement to fix drivers ;-)
> Andrew Clausen
Yeah. What's going to happen when we are like Windows 2000 and have
20,000+ device drivers? Wait four years between each release of Linux
(and buy Linus 200 lbs. of Methamphetamine a month so he can stay awake
around the clock and fix them all?). I guess poor Alan will have to
give up his weekends and vacation for the next decade.
People are motivated to update drivers because they release a new board
or hardware device and want to SELL IT FOR $$$$ (which is probably an
alien concept for someone at a non-profit organization like --
no offense). If their drivers are broken NOONE WILL BUY THEIR BUSTED
BOARDS. THis is exactly how we enticed folks to upgrade drivers in
NetWare. We'd bust them then tell our customers to buy some other
vendors card that worked. You'd be amazed how fast these companies will
their hot little asses in gear and fix stuff when their packetbooks are
being affected.
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