UDMA on WD Drives

From: Evan Langlois (goth_74@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 15:22:57 EST

Odd that people have so much trouble with the Western Digital drives. I've
never had a problem with mine - can't say what model it is either, and I also
use a 'VIA' chipset, although evidently not one of the 'bad' ones :)

Both my drives are 13.5GB, 7200 rpm, UDMA66 drives with 2MB cache, however,
according to Linux, the WD has more cache, but the IBM is faster and actually
a bit larger - funny how they calculate a GB so many ways. No problems with
them, and I even have a partitions raid striped between them! Thats the one
I compile the kernel on, so it gets enough abuse for testing :)

Most Linux partitions are on the WD, just cause it worked out that way when I
bought the drives. Wish it was reversed, but I doubt I'll notice the extra

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