Re: Who else is having alpha boot problems?

From: Christopher C. Chimelis (
Date: Sun Jul 16 2000 - 10:10:12 EST

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Andrew van der Stock wrote:

> I've not had a bootable kernel since -test3 on PC164 (from memory). I've had
> a mail from Tom Holroyd who hasn't been able to boot his DP264 in that time
> as well, but with differing symptoms to me.
> When I try to boot, I get the milo
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> line, and some disk activity, which I assume is the kernel coming in. Then
> nothing. Serial console does not help. I've tried a mostly module-free
> kernel to avoid any lkm weirdnesses, but that's not it.

In your case, I'd check your milo version. I had the same symptoms until
upgrading to the newest milo version (2.2-17). I believe it's because of
the changes to the kernel's start address. Newer test kernels have a way
to enable the old start address (in case your milo doesn't read the ELF
headers to determine the kernel's start address).

> >From reading Tom's mail, he gets boot messages, but the kernel panics when
> it cannot find init. Is that an accurate assessment Tom?

I've seen this one mentioned on the list before, but don't recall the
solution (sorry).

FWIW, I'm on a 164SX (w/AlphaBIOS), so YMMV.


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