linux-2.4.0-test4 and lp0 bug (linux-kernel-digest V1 #1160)

From: David Benfell (
Date: Tue Jul 18 2000 - 14:05:06 EST

> From: Frank Jacobberger <>
> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 11:26:15 -0600
> Subject: linux-2.4.0-test4 and lp0 bug
> test4 presented only one problem:
> "lp: driver loaded, but no devices found" <from dmesg>
> Other message from kde print queue when trying to print:
> Status: cannot open "/dev/lp0" - "Device not configured", attempt 1,
> sleeping 10
> Apparently the kernel is missing a beat...
If it helps at all, I have tried building test4 both with and without
the IEEE 1284 support. The result is basically the same, other than
that with the IEEE 1284 support, I see identifying information from my
printer in dmesg.

This is an irritating glitch, so I'll be happy to test any patches
someone might have to offer. Just be aware that I am relatively
inexperienced so you may have to get painfully explicit with your
instructions on how to apply your patch.

David Benfell
ICQ 59438240 [e-mail first for access]
There are no physicists in the hottest parts of hell, because the
existence of a "hottest part" implies a temperature difference, and
any marginally competent physicist would immediately use this to
run a heat engine and make some other part of hell comfortably cool.
This is obviously impossible.
                                -- Richard Davisson
					[from fortune]

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