RE: CML2 0.7.1 is available

From: Dunlap, Randy (
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 18:41:31 EST


Here are some more comments on cmlconfigure (CML2)
version 0.7.2.

1. Curses mode, first (help/info) screen:

Press enter or up-arrow or down-arrow or Enter to stop editing
a field. [duplicated 'enter/Enter']

2. I can't seem to load a defconfig from a saved file by
using -idefconfig on the command line or by using the 'i'
command. Using the 'i' command says that 158 symbols were
changed, but I can't see that any were changed when I
look at the Buses or USB menus.
Is this supposed to be working?

3. If I set USB support to <M> (modules) in the Buses
section, and then enter the USB support menu, I can
set individual options to Y, so they are not restricted
(bounded) by the overall USB support option (as they
are in menuconfig and xconfig). Is this intentional
or an oversight?
Also, setting individual USB options to Y changes
"USB support" from M to Y. This is backwards from
menuconfig/xconfig and I don't think that it's

Now I'll try to update the USB rules to match the latest
(pre-) kernel.


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