IDE drive killer question

From: Enrico Demarin (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 13:29:03 EST

I would like to understand better the scope of the IDE-fry-drive issue:

1) how is going Andre's patch to protect from the case where
  the malicious user compiles a kernel module (or recompiles the kernel),
  eliminating his patch.

 As far as i can understand the patch would work only if the malicious
user gaining rood can't compile a kernel module or get a fresh kernel
source rebuild it without the patch and run it. that is no kernel-source,
no compilers, no ftp access to download compilers and kernel source, or
pre-compiled modules.

The only case where it would help would be to prevent some buffer overflow
to a root process or some trojan horse to do the dirty job automatically.

- enrico

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