Re: disk-destroyer.c

From: David Luyer (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 21:25:01 EST

> Think about this: there are situations where root *MUST* be subject to
> various restrictions (via capabilities, immutable files, etc). If root is
> able to talk directly to the hardware, these restrictions become
> unenforcable - security just went out of the window. This is unacceptable:
> Linux must not do it. (Or rather, it must be possible to prevent Linux
> doing it.)

Root can only talk directly to the hardware when given appropriate
capabilities - CAP_RAW_IO I believe.

If anything Andre should just be looking at adding that capability to
the accesses which allow you to destroy things - because those same
ioctls potentially serve useful purposes (yes, one day you will want
to upgrade your drive firmware without running DOS/Win - I already
don't have DOS/Win on any of my computers or laptops, the closest I
have to it is a small portion microcode from the Hollywood Plus driver
extracted to use with the Linux driver for that card...).

And believe it or not, on a laptop which is only ever used behind a
company firewall or when dialed up over a rather securely filtered
dial-up, the chances of someone locating it on a dynamic IP and
hacking root given no access to any open ports are somewhat more
remote than the chance of the drive vendor developing a firmware
upgrade tool for Linux, given appropriate interfaces.

Remember, as long as root can insert a module root can re-write the
kernel security model from the inside... and as soon as root can't
insert a module you've removed popular functionality. (Personally I
don't use modules but honestly - the vast majority do and probably
always will.)


David Luyer
Senior Network Engineer
Pacific Internet (Aust) Pty Ltd
Phone:  +61 3 9674 7525
Fax:    +61 3 9699 8693
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