how to kill un D process ????

From: octave klaba (
Date: Sat Jul 22 2000 - 02:59:52 EST

Running on 2.2.16 raid-soft

I have had 3 times this problem:
  9:39am up 4 days, 16:05, 1 user, load average: 254.07, 254.02, 254.00

nobody 12727 0.0 0.7 4784 2868 ? D 00:41 0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 13751 0.0 0.7 4780 2864 ? D 00:44 0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 15030 0.0 0.7 4888 2960 ? D 00:48 0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 15109 0.0 0.7 4780 2864 ? D 00:48 0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 17409 0.0 0.7 4780 2864 ? D 00:55 0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 17417 0.0 0.7 4780 2864 ? D 00:55 0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 17418 0.0 0.7 4780 2864 ? D 00:55 0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 17447 0.0 0.7 4780 2864 ? D 00:55 0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
nobody 17453 0.0 0.7 4780 2864 ? D 00:55 0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL

Is there any way to kill it ?
The only way I found out it to run a script checking the load
and rebooting the server.


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