> >Did anyone try to use inn on linux-2.4? I tried to use inn-{1.7.2,2.2.2}
> Yes, it just destroyed my home news server (running the debian package,
> mostly 1.7.2+insync+misc other stuff). Kernel is -test6.
-test7-pre2 has the same bug.
> I think the overview was fine, but the active file (which is mmapped)
It wasn't but, it's not the cause. I saw two lines for one article.
> was not updated. Maybe some articles have been overwritten too, but
Yes, they have.
> since this should not be possible I'm not sure.
> I could see in the history that after I installed -test6 INN started
> filing articles with numbers *lower* than the highmark.
ctlinnd renumber "" fixes the active file, but it's not the solution.
And mtime of the active file does not modify. I think, it should be fixed
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