Only Linux makes the lights flash with IPX RIP/SAP. NetWare uses NLSP
routing and has since 1993 for IPX/SPX. I agree if someone is running
NetWare 3 or NetWare 4.1 or earlier there's a lot of RIP/SAP traffic,
but not the NLSP versions -- they do not use RIP/SAP but NLSP.
Jes Sorensen wrote:
> >>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff V Merkey <> writes:
> Jeff> IPX is a really good LAN protocol (but totally sucks for
> Jeff> internet). A full blown NCP server in-kernel that's toughtly
> Jeff> coupled to the page cache running over IPX would make flames
> Jeff> shoot out of the back of a Linux server, and make NT like look
> Jeff> an old lady hobbling down the street. There's no need to
> Jeff> configure client addresses with it, and for file and print, it's
> Jeff> the best.
> IPX is WHAT?
> I'd recommend you go look at the switches on your network and note how
> they look likg flashing chrstmas trees - broadcast traffic is not good
> for any type of network, be it LAN or WAN.
> Jes
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