[OOPS] in 2.4.0-test8 while trying to release the initrd infile

From: Michael Peddemors (michael@wizard.ca)
Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 17:47:32 EST

Narrowed it down to the rd.c file the last line that gets output prior to the
oops is the 'release is true' printk.

Using an encrypted initrd.gz file, that unencrypts correctly.. but we get this
this OOPS. Anyone see why it could be occuring?
        if (infile.f_op->release) {
                printk("infile.f_op->release is true\n");
                infile.f_op->release(inode, &infile); <<<OOPS OCCURS HERE
                printk("inode of infile released\n");
        } else printk("infile.f_op->release is not true\n");

Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010007
eax: 00000002 ebx: 019b6871 ecx: c070e000 edx: 00000005
esi: c0240f34 edi: 00000246 ebp: 00000000 esp: c0245d60
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process kswapd (pid: 2, stackpage=c0245000)
Call Trace: [<c012f5b6>] [<c013a322>] [<c013ac17>] [<c01d5f42>] [<c015e691>]
110000>] [<c01070e7>] [<c0107518>]
Code: 89 44 99 18 89 59 14 8b 56 14 8b 41 10 ff 49 10 39 d0 74 08

>>EIP; c0124374 <kmem_cache_free+34/b0> <=====
Trace; c012f5b6 <bdput+46/60>
Trace; c013a322 <clear_inode+b2/d0>
Trace; c013ac17 <iput+147/170>
Trace; c01d5f42 <tvecs+daba/db24>
Trace; c015e691 <initrd_release+21/50>
Trace; 00110000 Before first symbol
Trace; c01070e7 <init+7/110>
Trace; c0107518 <kernel_thread+28/40>
Code; c0124374 <kmem_cache_free+34/b0>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c0124374 <kmem_cache_free+34/b0> <=====
   0: 89 44 99 18 movl %eax,0x18(%ecx,%ebx,4) <=====
Code; c0124378 <kmem_cache_free+38/b0>
   4: 89 59 14 movl %ebx,0x14(%ecx)
Code; c012437b <kmem_cache_free+3b/b0>
   7: 8b 56 14 movl 0x14(%esi),%edx
Code; c012437e <kmem_cache_free+3e/b0>
   a: 8b 41 10 movl 0x10(%ecx),%eax
Code; c0124381 <kmem_cache_free+41/b0>
   d: ff 49 10 decl 0x10(%ecx)
Code; c0124384 <kmem_cache_free+44/b0>
  10: 39 d0 cmpl %edx,%eax
Code; c0124386 <kmem_cache_free+46/b0>
  12: 74 08 je 1c <_EIP+0x1c> c0124390

Michael Peddemors - Senior Consultant
Unix Administration - WebSite Hosting
Network Services - Programming
Wizard Internet Services http://www.wizard.ca
Linux Support Specialist - http://www.linuxmagic.com
(604) 589-0037 Beautiful British Columbia, Canada
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