In ALSA we use the return value from ioctl as a simple way to return a
positive number to user space (if the return value is less than 0 we got
error, of course)
We got the doubt that this break some unknown standards or some linux
conventions or Linus taste (at a first glance I'm unable to find
precedents inside kernel tree).
I've looked Singe UNIX Specification, Version 2 and there this seems
perfectly acceptable.
I'd like very much to have some feedback to do the RightThing (tm).
The alternative of course would be to add a result field inside struct
passed by pointer to ioctl call.
-- Abramo Bagnara mailto:abramo@alsa-project.orgOpera Unica Via Emilia Interna, 140 Phone: +39.0546.656023 48014 Castel Bolognese (RA) - Italy Fax: +39.0546.656023
ALSA project is sponsored by SuSE Linux
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