diff -ruNp linux/arch/alpha/math-emu/Makefile 2.4.0-9-4/arch/alpha/math-emu/Makefile
--- linux/arch/alpha/math-emu/Makefile	Thu Dec  2 15:28:54 1999
+++ 2.4.0-9-4/arch/alpha/math-emu/Makefile	Tue Sep 19 18:45:17 2000
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 # Note 2! The CFLAGS definition is now in the main makefile...
 O_TARGET := math-emu.o
-O_OBJS   := math.o
+O_OBJS   := math.o qrnnd.o
 CFLAGS += -I. -I$(TOPDIR)/include/math-emu -w
 ifeq ($(CONFIG_MATHEMU),m)
diff -ruNp linux/arch/alpha/math-emu/math.c 2.4.0-9-4/arch/alpha/math-emu/math.c
--- linux/arch/alpha/math-emu/math.c	Tue Mar 21 10:47:06 2000
+++ 2.4.0-9-4/arch/alpha/math-emu/math.c	Tue Sep 19 18:26:38 2000
@@ -84,66 +84,6 @@ void cleanup_module(void)
 #endif /* MODULE */
-/* For 128-bit division.  */
-udiv128(unsigned long divisor_f0, unsigned long divisor_f1,
-	unsigned long dividend_f0, unsigned long dividend_f1,
-	unsigned long *quot, unsigned long *remd)
-	_FP_FRAC_DECL_2(quo);
-	_FP_FRAC_DECL_2(rem);
-	_FP_FRAC_DECL_2(tmp);
-	unsigned long i, num_bits, bit;
-	_FP_FRAC_SET_2(rem, _FP_ZEROFRAC_2);
-	_FP_FRAC_SET_2(quo, _FP_ZEROFRAC_2);
-	if (_FP_FRAC_ZEROP_2(divisor))
-		goto out;
-	if (_FP_FRAC_GT_2(divisor, dividend)) {
-		_FP_FRAC_COPY_2(rem, dividend);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (_FP_FRAC_EQ_2(divisor, dividend)) {
-		__FP_FRAC_SET_2(quo, 0, 1);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	num_bits = 128;
-	while (1) {
-		bit = _FP_FRAC_NEGP_2(dividend);
-		_FP_FRAC_COPY_2(tmp, rem);
-		_FP_FRAC_SLL_2(tmp, 1);
-		_FP_FRAC_LOW_2(tmp) |= bit;
-		if (! _FP_FRAC_GE_2(tmp, divisor))
-			break;
-		_FP_FRAC_COPY_2(rem, tmp);
-		_FP_FRAC_SLL_2(dividend, 1);
-		num_bits--;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < num_bits; i++) {
-		bit = _FP_FRAC_NEGP_2(dividend);
-		_FP_FRAC_SLL_2(rem, 1);
-		_FP_FRAC_LOW_2(rem) |= bit;
-		_FP_FRAC_SUB_2(tmp, rem, divisor);
-		bit = _FP_FRAC_NEGP_2(tmp);
-		_FP_FRAC_SLL_2(dividend, 1);
-		_FP_FRAC_SLL_2(quo, 1);
-		if (!bit) {
-			_FP_FRAC_LOW_2(quo) |= 1;
-			_FP_FRAC_COPY_2(rem, tmp);
-		}
-	}
-	*quot = quo_f1;
-	*remd = rem_f1;
-	return;
  * Emulate the floating point instruction at address PC.  Returns 0 if
diff -ruNp linux/arch/alpha/math-emu/qrnnd.S 2.4.0-9-4/arch/alpha/math-emu/qrnnd.S
--- linux/arch/alpha/math-emu/qrnnd.S	Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
+++ 2.4.0-9-4/arch/alpha/math-emu/qrnnd.S	Tue Sep 19 18:41:26 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ # Alpha 21064 __udiv_qrnnd
+ # Copyright (C) 1992, 1994, 1995, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ # This file is part of GCC.
+ # The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ # option) any later version.
+ # In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
+ # Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
+ # compiled version of this file with other programs, and to distribute
+ # those programs without any restriction coming from the use of this
+ # file.  (The General Public License restrictions do apply in other
+ # respects; for example, they cover modification of the file, and
+ # distribution when not linked into another program.)
+ # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
+ # License for more details.
+ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ # along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the 
+ # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ # MA 02111-1307, USA.
+        .set noreorder
+        .set noat
+	.text
+	.globl __udiv_qrnnd
+	.ent __udiv_qrnnd
+	.frame $30,0,$26,0
+	.prologue 0
+#define cnt	$2
+#define tmp	$3
+#define rem_ptr	$16
+#define n1	$17
+#define n0	$18
+#define d	$19
+#define qb	$20
+#define AT	$at
+	ldiq	cnt,16
+	blt	d,$largedivisor
+$loop1:	cmplt	n0,0,tmp
+	addq	n1,n1,n1
+	bis	n1,tmp,n1
+	addq	n0,n0,n0
+	cmpule	d,n1,qb
+	subq	n1,d,tmp
+	cmovne	qb,tmp,n1
+	bis	n0,qb,n0
+	cmplt	n0,0,tmp
+	addq	n1,n1,n1
+	bis	n1,tmp,n1
+	addq	n0,n0,n0
+	cmpule	d,n1,qb
+	subq	n1,d,tmp
+	cmovne	qb,tmp,n1
+	bis	n0,qb,n0
+	cmplt	n0,0,tmp
+	addq	n1,n1,n1
+	bis	n1,tmp,n1
+	addq	n0,n0,n0
+	cmpule	d,n1,qb
+	subq	n1,d,tmp
+	cmovne	qb,tmp,n1
+	bis	n0,qb,n0
+	cmplt	n0,0,tmp
+	addq	n1,n1,n1
+	bis	n1,tmp,n1
+	addq	n0,n0,n0
+	cmpule	d,n1,qb
+	subq	n1,d,tmp
+	cmovne	qb,tmp,n1
+	bis	n0,qb,n0
+	subq	cnt,1,cnt
+	bgt	cnt,$loop1
+	stq	n1,0(rem_ptr)
+	bis	$31,n0,$0
+	ret	$31,($26),1
+	and	n0,1,$4
+	srl	n0,1,n0
+	sll	n1,63,tmp
+	or	tmp,n0,n0
+	srl	n1,1,n1
+	and	d,1,$6
+	srl	d,1,$5
+	addq	$5,$6,$5
+$loop2:	cmplt	n0,0,tmp
+	addq	n1,n1,n1
+	bis	n1,tmp,n1
+	addq	n0,n0,n0
+	cmpule	$5,n1,qb
+	subq	n1,$5,tmp
+	cmovne	qb,tmp,n1
+	bis	n0,qb,n0
+	cmplt	n0,0,tmp
+	addq	n1,n1,n1
+	bis	n1,tmp,n1
+	addq	n0,n0,n0
+	cmpule	$5,n1,qb
+	subq	n1,$5,tmp
+	cmovne	qb,tmp,n1
+	bis	n0,qb,n0
+	cmplt	n0,0,tmp
+	addq	n1,n1,n1
+	bis	n1,tmp,n1
+	addq	n0,n0,n0
+	cmpule	$5,n1,qb
+	subq	n1,$5,tmp
+	cmovne	qb,tmp,n1
+	bis	n0,qb,n0
+	cmplt	n0,0,tmp
+	addq	n1,n1,n1
+	bis	n1,tmp,n1
+	addq	n0,n0,n0
+	cmpule	$5,n1,qb
+	subq	n1,$5,tmp
+	cmovne	qb,tmp,n1
+	bis	n0,qb,n0
+	subq	cnt,1,cnt
+	bgt	cnt,$loop2
+	addq	n1,n1,n1
+	addq	$4,n1,n1
+	bne	$6,$Odd
+	stq	n1,0(rem_ptr)
+	bis	$31,n0,$0
+	ret	$31,($26),1
+	/* q' in n0. r' in n1 */
+	addq	n1,n0,n1
+	cmpult	n1,n0,tmp	# tmp := carry from addq
+	subq	n1,d,AT
+	addq	n0,tmp,n0
+	cmovne	tmp,AT,n1
+	cmpult	n1,d,tmp
+	addq	n0,1,AT
+	cmoveq	tmp,AT,n0
+	subq	n1,d,AT
+	cmoveq	tmp,AT,n1
+	stq	n1,0(rem_ptr)
+	bis	$31,n0,$0
+	ret	$31,($26),1
+	.end	__udiv_qrnnd
diff -ruNp linux/arch/alpha/math-emu/sfp-util.h 2.4.0-9-4/arch/alpha/math-emu/sfp-util.h
--- linux/arch/alpha/math-emu/sfp-util.h	Thu Dec  2 15:28:54 1999
+++ 2.4.0-9-4/arch/alpha/math-emu/sfp-util.h	Tue Sep 19 18:41:05 2000
@@ -17,18 +17,13 @@
 	   : "r" ((UDItype)(u)),		\
 	     "r" ((UDItype)(v)))
-extern void udiv128(unsigned long, unsigned long,
-		    unsigned long, unsigned long,
-		    unsigned long *,
-		    unsigned long *);
-#define udiv_qrnnd(q, r, n1, n0, d)		\
-  do {						\
-    unsigned long xr, xi;			\
-    udiv128((n0), (n1), 0, (d), &xr, &xi);	\
-    (q) = xr; 					\
-    (r) = xi;					\
+#define udiv_qrnnd(q, r, n1, n0, d)				\
+  do { unsigned long __r;					\
+    (q) = __udiv_qrnnd (&__r, (n1), (n0), (d));			\
+    (r) = __r;							\
   } while (0)
+extern unsigned long __udiv_qrnnd (unsigned long *, unsigned long,
+				   unsigned long , unsigned long);