PATCH Backport /proc/pci from 2.4.x to 2.2.x

From: Andrzej Krzysztofowicz (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 04:07:58 EST

> The 2.4.x kernel series obtains its /proc/pci device name data from a
> data file pci.ids. The file makes PCI device name generic enough that
> it may be used by multiple utilities -- the kernel, Martin Mares'
> pciutils, distro installers, etc. The attached patch, against kernel
> 2.2.18-pre9, backports the 2.4.x /proc/pci facilities and device name
> database.

BTW, what do you think of idea making the pci.ids base modular ?
I mean replacing data requests from pci.ids base by their queuing requests
(+ eventually request_module(pci_ids) to process the queue if possible )

The module while loading should process the queue.

I see two advantages of this solution:
- make if possible to use Vendor/Device info when booting from floppy
  (kernel size limitations)
- useful for hot-plugable PCI devices...

What do you think of it ?

  Andrzej M. Krzysztofowicz     
  phone (48)(58) 347 14 61
Faculty of Applied Phys. & Math.,   Technical University of Gdansk
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